From: Gil Gore []
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 9:51 AM
To: All Local Chairmen
Subject: Railroad Retirement Taxes for 2007
Below and attached is some information regarding the responsibilities of both employees and employers to pay railroad retirement taxes for the calendar year 2007. Please note below the yellow highlighted employer responsibility portion of these taxes below which equals to 18.30% for tier I and II. This money is contributed to the railroad retirement fund by Union Pacific in addition to the employee responsibility portion identified in the same table. That means for every $1 you earn, they pay 18.30% into the railroad retirement system up to the maximums in each individual tier. They also pay railroad unemployment insurance on top of that 18.30%. This information is many times overlooked when considering our wages and benefits. While employees are well aware of their contributions because they show up on our pay stubb, we tend to forget about the railroads’ responsibilities to pay into the system on our behalf which is a benefit to all current and future retirees. I admit, these types of contributions if made into everyone’s 401k would likely yield higher returns, but this system ensures that everyone has a retirement much better than what social security provides.
These documents and other pertinent information are available at
Hoping you find this information useful, I remain.
Gil Gore
2007 Maximum Railroad Earnings tax responsibilities
Tier I Earnings Limit $97,500 - you pay 6.20 % on all earnings up to the maximum of $97,500
Tier II Earnings Limit $72,600 – you pay 4.4% on all earnings up to the maximum of $72,600
Medicare 1.45% no limit – you pay 1.45% on all earnings no maximum
Year 2007 Railroad Retirement and Unemployment Insurance Taxes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PR 06-6 December 2006 | |
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Prepared by Public Affairs 312-751-4777 The amounts of compensation subject to railroad retirement tier I and tier II payroll taxes will increase in 2007. However, the tier I tax rate on employees and employers remains unchanged. Under the Railroad Retirement and Survivors’ Improvement Act of 2001, tier II tax rates are determined annually by an average account benefits ratio. Based on this ratio, the tier II tax rates on employees and employers will decrease in 2007. Railroad unemployment insurance tax rates paid by employers will continue to include a 1.5 percent surcharge in 2007. # # # |