From: Tim Holmes
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 5:31 PM
To: All UP General Chairmen
Subject: July 1, 2005 TEY/Cost of Living Increase
Train, Engine and Yardmen rates have been created to reflect the Cost of Living Increase ( COLA ) of 15 cents per hour or $1.20 per day, effective July 1, 2005. In addition, all Trip Rates, mileage rates, ID overmiles, training rates, arbitrary classes of time and allowances, subject to the COLA have been updated. Since the COLA is effective before we have completed payroll close-out for the LH June pay period, some of the rate changes cannot be FULLY implemented, until after July 7th. Our Timekeeping Data Group will reprocess all records from July 1 thru July 7, to apply the new rates, after LH June payroll close-out is final. This has been the process for past COLA and General Rate Increases, due to constraints of the TCS system. Areas currently cut-over to the CMTS system will reflect the COLA increase immediately on 7/1/05 and will require no reprocessing.
If you have any questions or if rate exceptions are reported by TEY Employees or your local representatives, please let me know, as soon as possible. Thanks, Tim
( Mgr/TK Support 402-591-2319 or Tim B. Holmes )